A Fairy Different Life

A Fairy Different Life

A young girl looks down on her classmates until a fairy comes along and turns her world upside down. Find out what happens when the bully becomes the bullied in, "A Fairy Different Life."

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PS Publishing

Reviewed By Kristen Van Kampen for Readers’ Favorite

A Fairy Different Life by Goob is a rhyming, educational children's book that follows a young girl. The girl is a bully, and she doesn't like the way certain people dress, or how certain people act. She wished everyone would be more like her, and then a fairy appears and grants her wish. Everyone now dressed the same way and acted the same way. A few people... Show more

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I am sure young children will delight in reading this story with their parents. In turn, parents will also delight in the positive message it sends out: that it's okay to be different.

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