What's The Tea With Gen Z

The "Everything-You-Need-To-Know" Book about Generation Z By:
What's The Tea With Gen Z

“During my time …”


“Your generation has it easier”

Sounds familiar? At some point of time, we were all once at a place where we wanted to voice out but were always suppressed to do so. Now, we live in a different environment and a whole new society. We want our voices to be heard, thoughts to be considered and understood. Is that too much to ask for as ‘kids nowadays’? We don’t want demands but instead, a mutual relationship with each other. Sometimes it is hard to take the first step into understanding one another because we all give in to our ego.


Here is a personal guidebook for you to understand our world as we reveal who we are as a generation. From how we think to what we say, what we stand for and why we do so. We have evolved in many different ways compared to those older than us. Oftentimes, our generations don’t seem to understand each other. That is why we have gathered everything you need to know about us, Gen Z. 



Due to the technicalities on the platform, all the footnotes used in our book cannot be fully inserted. For further references and the complete version, please visit G.Z. Manuel on Smashwords for the original copy of the book.


e-ISBN: 978-967-18842-0-1



Posts and Comments
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Shi Yuin

Interesting book, learned a lot about gen Z and generation gaps.

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An amazing explanation on how Gen Z thinks. It would be a valuable read for anyone interested in relating to this generation today.

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A very eye opening and interesting information about Gen Z. Highly recommend to everyone!!!

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This book is easy to read and it's so relatable! I really enjoyed reading it and love the content so much!!!

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This book is just full of reality and so connectable, It's nice to read a book among the stress around us and this book do does really gives solution

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Its a nice and feel good book.Interesting, Warm and getting to know about today youngster's thought process

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Ravi shankar

I just started reading this , recommended by my brother .This book really is refreshing and keeps me exited as chapter by chapter.

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I really like this book, it gave me a new insight on my own generation. Now i truly understand myself better. Also, i feel like i should recommend my parents to read this too hehe

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This book literally makes me feel not alone!! I can relate to this book so much and the graphics are so cute!!!

Important Post

Good read to know more and comprehend what it is like to be gen z. Although there’s this tiny gap in terms of technology exposure between gen y/millennial, there’s no harm trying to empathize others.

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