
Management in Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis By:


Thank you for buying this book to cure yourself of this dreaded and painful disease. Many of you may have already spent a fortune trying to find a cure for, at least, to get relief from the pain that you encounter round the clock, each day of your life. First, you suffer from the disease, and then you spend a good amount of time visiting the clinic, spending thousands of dollars in medicines and consultation fees. The doctor tells you straight away, there is no cure for this disease but only relief. Day after day you are on medication, unsuitable for the other organs of your body. In course of time you develop complications and visit other doctors for developing symptoms which may be damaging your other organs. This puts you in a whirlpool of doctors and medicines. This little handy guide will definitely appraise you of all what you need to know and if not cure, at the least provide you with the relief you are seeking elsewhere but never been able to find it. It will advise you how to gradually do away with unwanted medication and find a cure in a simple way.

Another good news about this book is, you need not sit in front of your computer to find a cure for RA/OA because our check list shows we have put in all relevant information that you would find searching the net for hours each day for years together. So this guide book will be one book that you need near your bedside to refer to day in and day out.

I pray for your fast recovery, God bless you!


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