...And Mrs. Harris Stopped Dancing

...And Mrs. Harris Stopped Dancing
A discovery. The story of a woman who has lived her life mostly from the outside looking in...until one fateful night that changed everything.

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This is very well done.
I watched my mother slip away into her own world. One day she would be sweet and childlike the next a sharp toughed as a razor
you have captured this and describe it perfectly
Love the title l

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a lovely little story, thank you i enjoyed it,

1 Comment

Thank you for reading my work. I appreciate all comments. Elizabeth

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Your story was very enjoyable and so interesting it was a very easy read. Thanks Sereni

1 Comment

Thank you so much for reading my work, Sereni. I appreciate your gracious comments. Here's to all the printed words, may they always bring a smile to your face and remain long after you've read the last piece of work! Always, Elizabeth

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She was so pathetic, needing attention, SOMEthing from others for herself. I am glad she was finally getting it.

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Excellent story! You drew me into the book with the word descriptives. Thank you. Sherry

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Excellent story! You drew me into the book with the word descriptives. Thank you. Sherry

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Thanks, composer. Thanks for the star, and for the CLAP, CLAP. I value your input very much. Elizabeth

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When one comes out of narcissism and looks outwards, change is bound to happen. Well written,nice reading

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