The Day The Earth Stopped By:
Fifty years ago, scientists found out that the earth was slowing down little by little, every year slowing down so that 1 minute is knocked off the day. They found out that in 50 years and 2 months the world would abruptly stop and all living things on Eath would die. Spaceships were rapidly made to send humans to Pluto. Civilians were not alerted until 1 month before they leave...two months before Earth would stop. This is the story of a brother and 2 sisters who are accidentally left behind and their story of survival...

end, world, stop, stopped, 2012, family
Posts and Comments
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I love the book! It is so interesting I couldn't stop reading it till the end. Keep writing! Your story already is so mind-drawing!

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Deleted User

you can't stop there! Your toooo talented! Kepp going and keep it up gurlie!

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Please finish this or at least continue. I love the idea. Would you read some samples from me?

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