Daily Affirmations for Love

365 Days of Love in Thought and Action By:
User: drmamiko
Daily Affirmations for Love
In a dance of devotion… Dr. Mamiko Odegard offers 365 entries that reflect relationships as an empowering “dance” rather than a deliberate, linear path. Mamiko does not offer us the seven effective ways to be a good lover. Instead, she notes how each day is uniquely different, but each one ultimately requires that we dance past daily distractions and get back to experiencing the discipline of love, wrapping each day in a positive affirmation that helps us experience “love as a verb!”
Bruce Piasecki www.ahcgroup.com

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Important Post

Aloha, I purchased this book from Amazon.Com and I am truly enjoying it as a daily read type book.

One of my favorite aspects of the book is the Index as it allows you to find again a word or meaningful "title to a paragraph"word that got you to a particular paragraph when you first read it. Or, by looking through the Index, I have found a word of interest and that moved me to read that particular passage.

I am keeping this... Show more

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