Contemporary World Politics - Part-3

US Nuclear Politics By:
User: abdulruff
Contemporary World Politics - Part-3
The book “Contemporary World Politics” outlines the trends in international politics in many aspects.. This is the first part of many similar books on the subject. This book covers politics, economics, foreign policy matters, sports fixes, etc. The premises of argument is that Sept-11 was a hoax engineered by the inside rogues in USA under the guidance of CIA-Pentagon duo and Zionist elements deciding policies for Americans. The main objectives of Sept-11 included invasion of Islamizing Afghanistan, wage war on Islam, defaming it as a terrorist religion, occupation of energy rich nations, killing of Muslims in millions, looting the resources form Islamic world, control energy resources of Mideast and Central Asia, control the old Silk Road for trade,
Terrorism is caused by anti-Islamic forces. Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism" Global media today, even in Muslim nations, are controlled by anti-Islam rogue agencies. Fake democracies have zero-tolerance to any criticism of their anti-Muslim and other aggressive practices. Anti-Islamic forces are harming genuine interests of Muslims by employing Muslim agents.

Humanity has a right to know the truth.

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