The Altian Plague

Volume IV of the Earthbound Series By:
User: dm.arnold
The Altian Plague

The EARTHBOUND Series is a set of five original, character driven novels in a science fiction setting, featuring an ordinary hero with everyday problems: He has a boss, a job that's a grind, a wife who doesn't understand him (but wants him home for dinner) and a high-maintenance girlfriend on the side. He just happens to hail from another world...

Planet Floran was founded 200 years in Earth's future, but simultaneously 5,000 years in her past. 200 years from now the starship Floran embarks on a mission to explore the nearby Beta Centuri star system, a mere 4 light-years distant. As the result of a warp-drive accident, the Floran falls into a black hole and emerges 200 light-years from Earth and 5,000 years in the past. Locating a planet capable of sustaining human life, the ship's crew founds a colony and names the planet after their starship.

In 5,000 years that colony has grown into a civilization of billions, inhabiting a dozen planets. Nonetheless, they require fresh DNA from Earth to keep the plants that supply their food and fiber healthy. To that end, they send an elite team of specially-trained exo-agents who covertly walk the surface of Earth, collecting samples and sending them to the home planet. Nykkyo Kyhana, under the Earth identity of Nick Kane is one such agent.


The Altian Plague [volume IV] synopsis:

Nyk is now a widower living with his mother-in-law and his stepson, and carrying an incredible secret about Suki's death. As New York begins to recover from the September Eleven atack, there is an outbreak of a mysterious and fatal virus on Earth and one of his Floran co-workers succumbs. Nyk begins to believe the virus is of alien origin -- a biological terror weapon developed by a separatist faction on a rogue colony. He teams up with his geneticist ex-wife in a race against time to develop a cure before the separatists can unleash their plague onto an unsuspecting world.

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