The Haunted House

The Haunted House

'The Haunted House' is the story about a little boy Henry who is trapped by a vampire in the Haunted house. The story reflects his bravery and the ways he chose to help his friend who was also trapped in this house to move out of it and kill the Vampire.

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Deleted User

Wow good job on this book!

Important Post

What a well-constructed story! I am highly impressed, and expect you to become a famous writer one day. You have all the raw talent it takes - just don't ever stop writing. Great work!

Dhruv Bhachawat

Thanks Judy for your appreciation! I am inspired by your words :)


You're most welcome! ')

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Layla Sparks

nice kid's story :)

Dhruv Bhachawat

Thank you Ms Zahra!

Layla Sparks

if you're really just 8yrs old, you're quite a good writer compared to most 30yr olds on here! There was just some point of view mistakes but you have your whole life to practice! :) keep on writing

Dhruv Bhachawat

I was just 7 years old when I wrote this....I published it now. Thanks for your appreciation Ms Zahra!

Layla Sparks

wow and you're very welcome:)

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