Standing Close To The Edge(Finished)

One Direction By:
Standing Close To The Edge(Finished)
(By the way this isn't my book. My friend wrote it) (One Direction Fanfic) Adrian's life wasn't always bad. Before she was kidnapped she was a happy kid. When she was returned home after almost not surviving the kidnapping, she was destroyed. Her life was just starting to pick up until her dad died and her best friend 4 months after her dad died also. Her mom practically kicked her out so she got emancipated and got a job. One day she need to get away so she went where she always goes. The Patriot center where she can scream or sing her heart out. But this day was different. She meets someone who might change her world forever.

One Direction
Posts and Comments
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I really loved your book, it was great. I hope you keep on writting and never stop! I also hope to read more of your books in the future and now also of course lol. Keep up the great work!

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I love it :D -dances happy-I dance for awesome books! -dances gangnam style- XD

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Leave her alone this book is good and if you dont think so keep it yourself she is a really good writer and you should back off

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so the infection caught you to. YIPPY! ok anyways love the book very fantastic :D kinda sad just a little but i L.O.V.E it!

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