Worries (In Portuguese)

Worries (In Portuguese)

In today’s world, worry, stress and anxiety seem to have become part of daily life. Yet, who doesn’t wish to stop worrying, or wonder how to cure anxiety? Who doesn’t ask themselves what is peace of mind, and how can I live in peace?

Some proclaim, “Do not worry!”, or “Stop worrying and start living”; others offer natural cures for anxiety, or teach how to get rid of negative thoughts. But the internal struggle continues…

In the book “Worries”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan offers unique spiritual insight into how to cope with anxiety, and how to live a spiritual life of no worries.

He provides spiritual awareness of “Who am I?” and who is the doer in life, from which one can attain an internal state of no worry, and begin to live in peace.

For those facing problems in everyday life, and wondering how to get inner peace, this book will prove an invaluable resource.

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