Pure Love (In Portuguese)

Pure Love (In Portuguese)

For those wondering how to lead a spiritual life, Pure Love emerges as an essential value. Naturally one begins inquiring into the ultimate meaning of love, true love, and unconditional love.

Other questions may also arise, such as:

To cultivate unconditional love, is forgiveness required? If so, how can I learn to practice forgiveness prayer?

In the context of unconditional love, what is marriage? Can a husband and wife relationship transform into living for love, and ultimately become an example of love supreme?

In the book “Pure Love”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan offers a profound definition, and explanation of unconditional love, and describes how Pure Love grows naturally with spiritual development.

Dadashri explains that the knowledge of Self, and blossoming of Pure Love is one of the signs of spiritual awakening.

This resource on the topic of Pure Love will prove invaluable to begin the spiritual path.

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