Anger (Spanish)

Anger (Spanish)

Anger management is a popular and necessary topic in today’s world. In dealing with difficult people, in our family relationships, or in facing marriage problems, we simply do not know how to deal with anger!

When dealing with anger, we may wonder, “Am I right?” or “How can I make myself understood?” Some of our relationships can be said to be the very definition of conflict! Lacking conflict resolution skills, and out of a sense of powerlessness in our circumstances, we become angry.

In the book “Anger”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan offers the ultimate anger management techniques in the form of spiritual conflict resolution strategies. He gives numerous solutions for dealing both with our own anger, and the anger of others. In addition, Dadashri offers spiritual advice on how to handle difficult people, anger management tips, and relationship tips.

As this book was uploaded as an epub file, you can only read a reading sample online. However, you can download the whole book.

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Faywood, NM

The ""national defense"" argument is obsolete. The conflict between
superpowers will not be decided on the basis of which country can self-
reliantly produce the most battleships and tanks. It will be won in a matter
of hours--in cyberspace, if we're lucky, with nuclear weapons if we're not.

Besides, there are much better ways to support a robust middle class than by
propping up a few select industries with tariffs... Show more

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