Soul Searcher

User: kkat616
Soul Searcher

How would you cope with the ability to know anyone's darkest secrets just by looking into their eyes? How would you feel if every time it happened you were abandoned or sent away? Now imagine you had a couple of psychos after you because of your ability.Threatening you and everything you had grown to care about. Then add in a steamy guy that happens to be very interested in you, but has secrets of his own.

Eyes, soul, love, memory
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I love your book, it is one of those books that you can read over and over again without getting bored of it easily

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That was amazing! Question: I've read two books so far and both involve deeply troubled you ladies who go through traumatic events to find their peace. Is that a reoccurring theme with all or most of your books? if so, why?


I do tend to write from a female's perspective, being female I find it a more comfortable place to be. However I am currently attempting to write from a male's perspective. Many of my earlier books do lean toward the deeply troubled young. But as with the perspectives I am... Show more


Thank you. It does and well I was just curious. Maybe it's the psychologist/ philosopher in my that picks up on things like that haha.

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this was beautiful you have a talent for capturing a person's "soul " in this story you have a true talent

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I really liked this! Thanks for writing it. Im a little confused because one of chapters is repeated in another spot or something? But hey, awesome! :-)


Lol, thank you. This is still a rough draft, so I'll be revising it eventually. :)


Seems pretty complete to me. Two words: awesome sauce!

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You need to fix the first two chapters, they are in the wrong order. Other than that youre a great writer I liked it.

1 Comment

Oh, thank you, I hadn't realized. I'll be sure to go back and fix it. I had to fix that with My Own Personal Hell too.

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