The Red Brick Road

The Red Brick Road
This is my entry for the Famous for a Page contest. I chose Juniper Lee, Wendy, and Judy Colella. It's a twist on The Wizard of Oz.

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Actually, the jellyfish part was Judy. And the part about the fire in Wendy's belly was Wendy. I thought it would be cool to incorporate the quotes that Wendy and Judy had on their profile. And for yours, Gwen,I just used "I am dirt poor and I do not care" because that's my favorite quote of yours. :)

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First off, congrats on winning the Famous for a Page contest!! Whoo hooo! You certainly deserved it!!
I love your voice in this story. Your descriptions were amazing (burnt jellyfish) and your twists were perfect!! No one could do a better job living up to the original story but still keeping your own flair!!
Hope you go on to win other contest with this story (Young Writer Of the Year)!
Luve ya!
-me ;)

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And here's another heart, and another congratulations, Cassidy:) I enjoyed this twist on the classic tale, and of course all the Bookrix characters you brought it to life with.
Writing under pressure often brings out the best in us, as proven with your delightful little story. Well done, well done!

I would have read and commented before the contest ended except for the fact that yesterday I was not logged in. I had no idea you'd entered:)

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I'm so glad that everyone loved it so much!! I thought that it was terrible, because I felt so rushed because of the word limit. But... I guess it was awesome!! I'm so glad that you guys liked it and I can't believe that it won the contest!! Thank you everyone who commented on it, and also thank you to all of you who have supported me. Even if I didn't put you in the story, I do appreciate every comment and heart and EVERYTHING!

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What can I say? I am so touched by the notion you chose me to feature in your story. And of course I am in particularly good company with the lovely Juniper Lee and Judy.

This story was so well written, I feel really proud of you, for what I think is one of your best pieces of work.

Your wonderful imagination rolling all over these pages made me smile several times and my eyebrows were raised more than once when I happened... Show more

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Deleted User

Yep your twist to this tale was superb. Great imagination and it was written well.

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This is an awesome. With a twist too. I really like it. You have the talent to write excellent stories.

Exceptional writing!

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What a terrific story, and such a great imagination. I really enjoyed this one, Cassidy. I love the way you incorporated yourself, Juniper, Wendy and Judy into the story in such a light-hearted fashion.

May I point out a couple of boo-boos that you should fix before judging? Here goes:

Page 10 - "bragged the bag"should be "grabbed the bag."

"He can't give her a funeral until he HAS (not "had")......"

Page 11 - "by mom" should be... Show more

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