Shadow Climbers

Shadow Climbers
In the darkness of night, beings crouch, waiting for the opportunity to strike. They lurk in the shadows until they find their victims, and commit unspeakable sins. They are the Shadow Climbers, and they are recruiting.

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Thanks so much for the comments! I've been thinking about continuing this one, at least a little bit, but I haven't had time. I'm in the middle of another book right now, but I might add to this one little by little, very slowly. I'll let you guys know if I do update it.

Thanks again for reading and commenting! It means a lot to me!

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Well, it needs to be read to know what sky is talking about. And I read, and I liked, and I would love very much to see this little piece developed further. The question of how she will become one of them needs to be answered. Good one, Cassidy.

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shadow climber wow how he escape, how he lives, shares his sin's stories everything and most unexpected narrator will also become shadow climber one day. wow.

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