The Earth still spins

The Earth still spins
These poems are about different struggles people face during different parts of their lives. I hope you can find them relatable and enjoyable.

Rated 14 and up for depression/ images of self-harm.

Posts and Comments
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I loved "Knotted". Its just perfect. You're a really good writer. Keep writing and please tell me when you update this. <3 c:

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Adam Lewis LaValley

"The knot's gotta come out sometime."

Excellent emotion displayed; the ideas presented are very thought-provoking; the poems speak out to me.

If you were to speak to me directly, you'd find me as a very opinion-reserved person (even taking on a cowboy look for myself, because of that!) But through writing, I can express the advantageous, soul-searching side of my own personality. It's amazing how we can draw upon our... Show more

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Not bad, good use of free verse to show your feelings. Make sure that you alternate "showing" with your "telling". Apart from that, nice poetry writing.

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