The Demons Waypoint

Book 1 By:
The Demons Waypoint
A young 16 year old girl who was given the name Rose after loosing all of her memories has done the unthinkable. She has summoned a demon to earth to protect her until her wish has been fulfilled. That demons name is Raum. He is older than when America became its own country. Many people are displeased with the girls actions such as.....Angels. Other demons wish to have her soul as their own as the angels wish to purify it. Raum will defend his mistress at all costs. Even if it means death.
Authors note: If you really like the story I enjoy feedback and before you ask yes I am a black butler fan. Raum in a demon in the book on demonology and demons. Many of the other characters are based off of real fallen angels and demons in that book. Also if your into art and like this story feel free to ask me what the characters look like if you wish to draw them. I really hope everyone enjoys my story. Thanks for your time! :D

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This is a great book, keep going I am so interested in it. ps take your time msg me when you did it again. :)

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