Ghost Girl

User: chalen
Ghost Girl

"Evelyn was the girl who he could turn to with no judgement. Olive was the girl who wanted him to love the darkest parts of himself, and the girl who got away. So who was he supposed to love more?"


"She should of grabbed Evelyn by the shoulders, and shook out her deepest secrets. If she had, Evelyn wouldn’t be gone."


When the girl who has everything vanishes without a trace....What is there left to do for the ones left behind? With two old friends who haven't spoken in months join forces to find her, secrets unfold. Some no one wanted to know, and the other secrets that people want to say but are far too afraid. Will new flames burn bright just as quick as old ones are extinguished? Will they find Evelyn, and when they do will all of their lives change? For better or for worse, they need to find Evelyn. But will they start to give up when they learn a few secrets that the ever sweet, inoccent, and caring Evelyn has been keeping from them? Will they try to find her quicker to comfront her? Or will tradgety strike, ending a life, and the search all together?


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