All the beautiful daughters of Mara

All the beautiful daughters of Mara
A novel written by Ashok atreya is an attempt of embodying the para-psychological, ethereal and day-to-day experiences of the hero. The Key to this novel is very clearly explained in the 54th chapter with the same title " All the beautiful Daughters of Mara", in which Anand, the hero, tells us the story of his previous births, where he visualizes the past and present where his unfulfilled desire for eternal love accentuates with unending lust for life, get freely expressed.

The myth of "All the beautiful Daughters of Mara" existing parallel to his own span of life, of which only present is visible and the rest of the episodes in his previous births, Anand experiences as and when he encounters them.

The overall development of this novel could only be examined with the help of a "Tantrik-based parody", where not only the sequence of Janma-Janmantra is added for an additional fervor, exposing the hero's passion and lust through and through but also his predicament of being a helpless victim in the hands of mystic destiny.
The author has picked up an apparently mystic theme. Unconsciously, as he has inherited the tradition of religion, Indian mythology and Tantra from his ancestors, but the beauty of the work lies in the fact of a secular approach to life omitting the bondages of caste and creed. In this background, this work of fiction becomes para-modern!

The libidinal instinct of Anand in his present and previous births, attaches with himself a number of voluptuous women belonging to various ethnic backgrounds. Tantra, as a distinctive sect of Hindu worship tradition, has very significant role of "Panch-Makars" and, therefore, the Omni-presence of women around the hero is the internal necessity of the theme, which results into many neo-vam-margi experience. This is, thus, a novel-departure in the field of contemporary Indian English writing.
The novelist has very aptly casted valid comment on the degeneration of present political scenario by elevating the police -shooter, an encounter-specialist to the supreme office of the President. (this is just like The then President of Pakistan General Parvez Musharraf (Who started his career as an ordinary military commando) These are not mere fiction fantasies but all around us, we find such absurdities taking shape !

The sub-titles attributed to 58 chapters lucidly establish the internal consistency of unbelievable episodes full of love, lust and crime, tied with an unseen threads of births and rebirths.
Naturally such a theme has interminable prospective of constructing stories -interesting and unending, of which Ashok Aatreya, as a fiction writer, has all the potential.

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Perhaps history repeats so is my story and love with all old and gold friends of Book ahare me at
also at
and facebook...alaelephantfoot....thanks.

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Dear friend'
The countdown in the 'Book Rix contest' is very close to all of us.I request all my friends to vote and support my novel'All the beautiful daughters of Mara'for this.I am also going to vote in favour of your book.
Ashok Aatreya

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Hi Ashoka,

I wish I could read your whole story but it will be impossible at the moment, in between studies, writing and family.

But I'll take a look at a bit and give you some feedback.

I think your have an interesting story line so far. Your prose do not appear repetitive or redundant early on. Your opening is full of backstory and I'm wondering if parts of that could be shown in action rather than exposition.

Pg 7: Probably... Show more

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The golden rule... show, don't tell. You have some great dramatic potential here, but why just 'tell' people about Anand's trial and arrest? Wouldn't a more poignant place to start the book be, say, the moment that the Judge tells Anand he is guilty and will be going to jail? I'd like to be immersed into the scenes, but as it is, you are just telling us what happened to him before.
I like to think of it as babying my readers.... Show more

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I found your explanation of Indian society very interesting although convoluted. It might be better if all the information you presented prior to the real action and event starting with the guru meeting might be better presented as a newspaper article about your character as if he were reading it in jail. It would give more presence and immediacy in time to connect thought to event to action when the guru arrives. IT would... Show more

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I haven't read your book yet but I want to invite you to join Learning to Write 101 and a new group - Query Me This!. Both groups will give you insight as to how to improve your writing. The newer group is also a forum for all writers to present their writing for contests and just in general. It is all geared to learning how to promote a professional presentation. IF you have any groups you are running let me know and I will check them out.

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Wonderful and refreshing....Captivating too. Keep it up! Congrats

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I read the first 30 or so pages of your novel, All the Beautiful Daughters of Mara, and I found them to be well written, clearly written, and charmingly descriptive, but I wasn't captivated. While you follow perfectly every rule of grammar and description, the story flows in such a straight-forward manner that I felt I couldn't immerse myself in it. I think, that to make the novel more engrossing, you might want to try a... Show more

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