"White Sunday"

Jihad Poetry By:
"White Sunday"

Being made free on the inside by the experience of  a survivor. We can all use Minister Anthony Khiliq Jones sr. as a prime example of how the razor wire fences and gates of society can never incarcerate our minds from transitioning within the confines of communication with our higher power (Quaveloe)!

Opal, Fred, Shirley, Harry
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Dallas, TX

Even when teachers want to teach civics, state-mandated lessons and mandated
tests can crowd out other worthy lessons. And in Florida, if you're a parent
and you don't like the lessons your precious one gets at school, if they're
learning too much about climate change or evolution, you can complain and have
your grievance heard and then the ""hearing officer"" can change what the
teacher is allowed to teach. A good many... Show more

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