My Brother Satan

Book-1: The Princess and the Serpent By:
My Brother Satan

This is the Second Edition. The author has removed the books contents that could be harmful such as making them befriend Lucifer. Originally been thought as fun writing contrary to the truth, the plot has been changed for the welfare of the readers after Lucifer asked for the author's hearty commitment promising to make her queen of the world on August 2, 2016. The author refused and prayed to God to kill Lucifer so that he'll not tempt and ruin people.
The story was totally changed for public safety and Lucifer is shown as anti-human.

My Brother Satan is a New World Order Fiction series mixed with Supernatural elements.
In Volume-1, "The Princess and the Serpent," stands as the first book in the series. In this book, Archangel Heylel a.k.a. Lucifer is seen in a different dimension as not among the fallen and as a close one to God, but anti-human. The word "Satan" gets a new focus.
Raw truth is hidden in imagination. This book would bring in a new outlook on religion and human beliefs. The sex scenes are used as diversions as well as indicators of personality and inclinations of the characters. Overall, this book is a Revolution.

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Florida, formally NJ

Trump really really really wants a big military parade; perhaps little rocket
man will show him how its done. What's next - that big, empty, useless
pyramid-shaped monstrosity in downtown Pyongyang a Trump-branded suite of
condos? A new luxury Trump 18-hole golf course for the North Korean elite to
enjoy while the peasants trim the greens and fairways with ox-drawn

Maybe our President just wants to... Show more

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