An adventure set in Goa with a cliffhanger finish.

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Hi Anibani,

I've given your story a read and this is my feedback.

I think your writing in English is quite good. There is some incorrect phrasing but for the most part, impressive.

Pg 6: ...corpse of a foreigner is found... Tense problem. 'Is' should be 'has been'.

Pg 7: I had a problem with your POV. with ...All the Riders felt a cold fist... Up until this point, you've established the POV as Shiva's it seemed to me.

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Thanx. Vote for me.

Important Post

Hello an1ban1,
That was a most adventurous transmission! I think that Shiva's Pulsar is a robot and was the true hero.:)
Good luck!

1 Comment

I hadalready voted b4 rcvng ur rqst. do voteme 4 at least 3rd place if u hvnt vtd yet.

Important Post

Maybe even a series of them.

Your knowledge of the 'inner workings' of foreign government/crime/technology, puts you at a great advantage as a writer.

This is very exciting, and kept me going at a 'rapid-reader' pace.

Good luck Aniruddha. Wonderfully entertaining; multi-dimensional story!


1 Comment

Thanx a lot! First compliment i've received on this site.

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