Grow vegetables

grow your own and save money By:
Grow vegetables
Looking to grow your own vegetables? This little book contains all the basic information you need to get started. It takes you through the process of choosing tools, clothing, cultivating the soil, growing and choosing vegetables. Suggestions are made for easy to grow vegetables like carrots and beetroot; as well as highlighting vegetables that require just a little more skill and attention like oca and cabbage. It also explains in simple language techniques such as thinning and hardening off.

Many people want to grow their own vegetables each year but may be put off by gardening programmes that make it look very complicated. In reality, it is not difficult – anyone can do it. You don’t even need to have a garden. You can grow a small amount of vegetables in containers, on trellis, in window boxes or you can get an allotment. Vegetables can be grown in any corner of the garden as long as it gets some sunlight.

Growing vegetables offers a lot of advantages. You know where the food comes from and there are no pesticides or additives involved. You can save money. Vegetables taste fantastic fresh from the garden, and you get a lot of satisfaction from growing your own food. It is also brilliant exercise! Keep fit while you garden and grow your vegetables!

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