Life is not always serene.

Indeed,it is not By:
User: angelfang
Life is not always serene. the character I created when my 3 best friends died in a accident. I expressed my pain and hurt in her and this is the result. To find out more,go to

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It's been said and I am proof that expressing oneself after a traumatizing experience come help one come to terms with tragedy or at least help them understand it and get past the unfairness of it all. But I never saw a such as you have pulled; this would be akin to having a conversation with a friend without actually speaking, to write a message without actually using words or images.

So i guess am just curious did it work for you?

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Important Post

It's been said and I am proof that expressing oneself after a traumatizing experience come help one come to terms with tragedy or at least help them understand it and get past the unfairness of it all. But I never saw a such as you have pulled; this would be akin to having a conversation with a friend without actually speaking, to write a message without actually using words or images.

So i guess am just curious did it work for you?

Important Post

It's been said and I am proof that expressing oneself after a traumatizing experience come help one come to terms with tragedy or at least help them understand it and get past the unfairness of it all. But I never saw a such as you have pulled; this would be akin to having a conversation with a friend without actually speaking, to write a message without actually using words or images.

So i guess am just curious did it work for you?

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