Dear Barack Obama

a letter fom Claire By:
Dear Barack Obama

Claire Winston, a young schoolgirl in Seattle, is worried. The cannery, her father works at, is closing down, while she's trying to do her homework. It must refer to remarks of Barack Obama on New Hampshire Primary Night in January 2008. Yes. We. can.

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thank you very much for your vision and the positive input, we, the grown-ups, have the obligation to pass to our children. They are, want we teach them to be.
God bless the children of the world! Parents bless your children!
Politicians bless the world!

All the best to you!
amalie wissing

Important Post

I am so uncomfortable with the example we are setting for our children. americans have survived the great depression, and came back stronger for it. the economy is in a mess now, but people we are not starving!! I'm not trying to minimize the hardship some people are going through,but unlike any other place in this world, we can come back from disaster fastest. we can help our neighbors more if we just stop being so... Show more

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Shut up people I mean is he helping are health care system I mean did you hear since his wife and kids headed to Spain
he's gonna party like theres no tommorw
and someone called and asked if they can come over with there underwear and play a guitar.

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Shut up people I mean is he helping are health care system I mean did you hear since his wife and kids headed to Spain
he's gonna party like theres no tommorw
and someone called and asked if they can come over with there underwear and play a guitar.

Important Post

an Mr. Obama, weil er ihre Hoffnungen trägt. Tomatensuppe wird es wohl auch künftig geben denkt Johnny

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