nightmares on 44 street

nightmares on 44 street
a little girl dies inside a hauted house and a family moves in and the little girl rises from the dead and seeks revenge

horror violent scary
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How old is the person that wrote this 3 page monstrosity? It looks like a 1st grader attempted to get this published. I've never seen so many mistakes in a book ever. From spelling to punctuation needs to be addressed. I couldn't even handle 2 sentences before I gave up.

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It could use some editing. I think it has potential :-)

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I think it's an ok book but it was confusing and I don't understand it that much but it was okish

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im sorry to have to say this but I diddnt like it there was to many spelling mistakes for one and i know i can be a bad speller at times but still.. and 2 it diddnt make any sence

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