Laugh Yourself To The Bank

How I Self Published On Amazon Kindle And Createspace By:
Laugh Yourself To The Bank

Writing is my passion. I was born with the mission to bring books to the world. Books people can relate to. Books with some insight.

This is a step by step instruction book of how I have successfully self published on both the Kindle Store and Createspace.

In 2005 I was computer illiterate. I went to my local library and taught myself all I needed to know. A few years later I bought myself a notebook computer. Big mistake! I ended up selling it at a pawn shop for $100. I bought myself a desk top next and here it is 2013 and I still have it! I have created other stories since too. I had to teach myself and learn how to publish but for me it has become a real dream come true.

This eBook is available at the following stores (among others):

and in many other eBook-stores

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