This book is a tribue to everyone who has lost loved ones in Haiti. Blessings to you.

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im really late reading this book anybody gunna make new books lol

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This book was so amazing i love the details u added into this book like how you would say something like as her body is being dragged and stuff lol it was just so detailed and obvious and fabulous i loved it and i hope you make more books this was so amazing like i would read every book you would have the courage to make.:)

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That was an amazing book i have ever read this will be my favorite book but there is more to come.

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Not sure if I liked it or not

1 Comment

Haha, what did you like/not like about it? If there is anything you think I could improve about it, I would love to hear your feedback. :-)

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george g asztalos

besides the nature's disasters, only missunderstandings could lead to such tragedies. and being gone is in the end just the priviledge of the poetry. I vote for this story with all my heart. thanx for the priviledged read wich you shared whit us!

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Anybody who experience to lose somebody special can really empathize with Rachel. It was nice of you to write something as a tribute to Haiti’s tragedy. You got my vote!

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