Tears From A Broken Heart

User: composer
Tears From A Broken Heart
A short anecdote about a young woman's troubled heart and the man who offers to share it with her.

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I hve vry mch to say about thys lovely,well worded,book.I thnk it was so well described. I lke the way she described her tears,and gve her meaning to wat she meant for as her tears.Thys book was so well put. As i strolled thru i found tht thys author has undescribable artistic views about love. And i like tht alot.

a happy reader

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Not many people understand the strength behind admitting they were wrong. But the few who do find contentment more fulfilling than all the denial in the world could accomplish.

If you liked this one, maybe you should look out for Ha Tale (Her tale) and hi.S.tory (His Story)- coming out soon. ;-)

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wow and i mean wow, it was like you were in my head during those times its absolutly fabulous, you have a gift for words,your description is wonderful you have a gift keep it up

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A good piece of writing in which you manage to capture a woman's feelings very convincingly. Well done!

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Quite a work of art you have there.

How do you manage to see through to a poor woman's soul and bring it out just like it is.

Question!! Did she get her soul's desire???

Good work

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A great deal of maturity from one so young. And all you can do is get better and better. Keep writing. You are gifted. Your new friend, Valerie

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Life,I convinced myself was very much back under my control''
wonderful reflective writing
you got my vote

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OH Allen, almost every word is lyrical, they seem to flow from your heart. I was so caught up in the emotions that just burst from your story. You are a very talented young writer. Your friend, Rena Kay

P.S. Love the title.

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Your version with dear old Odhis is coming soon, so to answer your swali- NO! I ain yet had enough

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