Dream Symbolism

Based on our Body Structure & Sensory Perception By:
Dream Symbolism


The time of dreaming is the gift of a second life. If we neglect this part of our inner selves it will become chaotic and aggressive. In that case the inner world becomes like everything that is being neglected – not beautiful at all.

Most people believe that they are helplessly exposed to the world of dreams and that they can only sit and watch. That's not true. We can do a lot and if we do we will be richly rewarded. 


What can we do? We can observe our dreams and learn from them. What do they want to tell us? And do we want to understand what they are telling us?


Just as the dreams are connected with the everyday life, the daily life is connected with the dreams. What does that mean? In our dreams our souls get visible and alive in their own self made worlds; with all their powers, with their conflicts and their promises. These forces affect the everyday life. Not only our mood but also our destiny.


Do we want to be helplessly exposed to these forces? Can we escape them? Wherever one may go these mental powers will always follow.

It is better to do the work that our psyche has given us. We mature and grow while doing that and plus the world around us (and in us) gets brighter and more beautiful.

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