About Kundalini

About Kundalini

Everyone who is familiar with this subject automatically may wonder why there has to be another book about a topic on which already thousands of books and countless internet articles have been written. And naturally, one may think that this is a typical yoga topic with that many people want to pretend themselves to be knowing and experienced. There are no objections to these arguments.


When you type "Kundalini" in google, you’ll find more than 11 million articles. What an amount of texts and product offerings! In this light it seems totally unnecessary to add more "knowledge", and that’s not the intention of this e-book. But what is needed is a natural approach in order to help us to distinguish between those many truths and untruths which can be found in the internet. This is what this e-book tries to do. In order to follow our intuition and reason, we need a simplification!

This eBook is available at the following stores (among others):

and in many other eBook-stores

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