
Book 1 of the "Hidden" series By:
User: LexieLove
Lilly is a 15 year old girl, suffering from a severe case of bullying. What does that cause her to do? She cuts. A lot. Her best friend, Derrick, is always there to help. But what happens when they become involved? Read with caution: A real roller coaster ride; it has it's heart touching moments, and it has it's all out crying fit moments. But, if you read, you will learn there IS a way to get over cutting. As addictive as it is, it causes nothing but more pain.
"Lilly, I can't lose you!" Derrick says, sobbing hard.

Posts and Comments
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I am in LOVE with this book. I completely love these characters. I have a question , do you ever use any pieces of your actual life to use in your stories? :)

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Hi Alexis,
I truly hope wish you the very best with this story. I believe it offers hope to others who have have been/are in a similar situation. Chris

1 Comment

Thank you! :)

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No way. The description from this book has summarized my relationship with my sister for the past few months. This book is incredible for as much I have read so far.

13 Comments | Show Earlier Comments

Yup... Well, it was wonderful talking to you.. :P


The feeling is mutual well off I go to my kindle. Goodbye


Bye.. :)

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Deleted User

Keep at it! You are doing a great job!

9 Comments | Show Earlier Comments
Deleted User

Oh! so sad!!! I can't wait for book 2! xoxo bye!


I added more.. :)

Deleted User

great! I'll read it tomorrow! night! *yawn*

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