The Church That Killed Us All

We should've listened to her.. By:
User: alexphan
The Church That Killed Us All
After spotting an abandoned church on their walk, Lexey, Chad, Josh, Hunter, and Cayden went back home and played Truth or Dare.
Cayden dared them to stay the night at the church. Whoever chickens out, will be forever labeled as a wimp everywhere they go.
What they didn’t know, was that they weren’t alone when they stepped foot into the church.
They should have listened to her.

Posts and Comments
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You're cool lil dude!

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Alex: You and Jessica did a great job writing this story. It was original and very scary. I look forward to reading another exciting and scary story from you both. Good luck on the next one.

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I found this story to be very scarey. Wow, this the first time i have read about something this scarey occurring in a church. So, good job choosing where all of the horror took place. It didn't take place in the usual places such as a house,cemetery etc.
Excellent Job, Keep up the great writing.....


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Review - Now you need to finish it! Naughty for not giving all of the story and letting us hang on suspense!

Good start. Just enough description. To much gore turns me away from the story. You did a nice job on the cover as well. Sounds like you are going to be a great story teller. When this story is finished please let me know. Great job. Robynn

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Deleted User

It is scary but you are rushing as though you're running away from that place.

Take it slow, describe more and add more to it. You have a good story but you're running lots.

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