അക്ഷരം മാസിക- May 2017

User: Rajmohan
അക്ഷരം മാസിക- May 2017

ഇത് മലയാളം മാസികയാണ്.സാധാരണക്കാരിലേക്ക് അറിവും അക്ഷരങ്ങളും എത്തിക്കാനുള്ള ശ്രമങ്ങൾ.തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത രചനകളാണ് ഈ ലക്കത്തിലുള്ളത്.അറിവ്കഴിവ്.... എന്നിവയ്ക്ക്.... ആധുനികമായ... മാധ്യമങ്ങളുടെ...സാന്നിദ്ധ്യം.. നല്കുന്ന സഹായം ആണ്... ഇവിടെ... ഇതി൯െറ....നടത്തിപ്പുകാ൪....
നല്കി.. വരുന്നത്... ഇവയാണ്... നാളെ... നമ്മെ... നയിക്കുക.... 

Malayalam Poetry
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Important Post

If you want to get a lot of people here to read it from this version of the website, you'll have to post an edition written in English. I'd be happy to check this out, but I have no idea what language this is, much less what it says. Or perhaps you can translate this? Thanks.


madam its in malayalam.....an Indian language and its a magazine...


Unfortunately, most of the people on this site don't know that language. Also, I'm a little confused - isn't this something you wrote? If it's a magazine written by others, you're advertising someone else's work which isn't the purpose of BookRix. If I'm misunderstanding all of... Show more

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Give me some days I'll do the review

Deleted User

Ok I read this book,
It is like a Malayalam Weekly which contains many small poems, good one-liners, and some short stories. Most of the content are from different authors.

There is even one article in English

Not everybody gonna love this book. I really don't know if anybody going... Show more

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