ProgrammingTechnics using C/C++ as an Instrument of Learning

ProgrammingTechnics using C/C++ as an Instrument of Learning

Students of computer science require deep knowledge of programming to solve various types of tasks. Many students take introductory programming courses only because they require to pass them and they are not interested to make use of them in their disciplines. Students in other related disciplines of computer science such as physics, mathematics, statistics and engineering need the benefits of programming to address their areas.  This book is written for these types of students to implement their project works in any areas without assistance. The book uses C/C++ as an instrument of programming language to specifically learn concepts and technics of programming. First, if a student could acquire insight of programming skill through this book, it would motivate such student to develop programming intuition. If a student could go through this book before offering a course in programming language, it would assist such student to develop a keen interest in programming. This book would also assist the weaker students if they could go through this book any time there is a course on programming language. 

A well-known samples’ codes, reviewed questions, answers and outputs are assembled together in this book for demonstrate purpose as a quick learning. Knowledge gained as a student and experience as well as interest in teaching programming languages are put together in this book. The well-known materials in this book would equip students to stand alone in the areas of programming skills. A piece of advice is for the students to create time in understanding the codes and type the codes themselves for debugging. They need to do so when they have a good mood at the initial stage of learning. The only way for a student to learn programming is by writing a lot of codes.

Programming language courses have unfortunately developed a tradition of borrowing code exercises and solutions without any acknowledgment. If any user of this book knows the origin of any exercise for which citation is missing or inaccurate or the exercise is incorrect, it would be delightful for the attention of the mistakes for subsequence edition. If the user discovers any errors in this book, kindly please notify through this electronic mail address:  Effort is made to assemble a perfect exercise on programming for student’s use but the author who gathered the materials from all sources, is imperfect. As far as the book is concerned with selected topics in programming courses, the detailed concepts could be useful to learn other programming languages such as JAVA, Pascal, C#, Python, etc.

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