Yokohama Experiment House

Yokohama Experiment House

4 young adults wake up in a tea house stuck in a continuum. Each have met at certain parts of their lives, but can't seem to remember one another or why they met. This is their adventures of daily life in a floating house, and their anticipated trips through time and space. When a train arrives, their pasts will begin to unfold!

japan, japanese, yokohama, house, short, story, tea
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An interesting story. You evoke some very colorful and indelible imagery.

I'm a fan of flash fiction. Your work here leaves an image that provides the setting, yet leaves the reader with many questions.

It's brevity requires the reader to come to their own conclusions as to who, what, when, where, why and how the characters came to be and where they are going.

Wanting more... it's how a great flash fiction piece should leave the reader. Great job.

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