Double Take

Double Take

Arissa Martin got up on the wrong side of the bed - but that was just the beginning. By the end of the day, she was lying in the middle of a back road while a vampire was trying to get her car started...

Vampires, Werewolves, Humor
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H︀e︀r︀e ︀s︀h︀e︀ ︀i︀s︀:︀ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-a-j-cole-double-take

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I really enjoyed this story and was wondering if there will be more. If so where can I find it. Thanks for entertaining me.

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H︀e︀r︀e ︀s︀h︀e︀ ︀i︀s︀:︀ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?judycolella_1332959223.3671960831

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The first few chapters I read were better than what I was expecting.
The personality type of your main character is definitely related to my personality type, which makes this book more appealing to me.
And it reminded me of the books of Charlaine Harris.


Still reading. . .


I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far - that's great! I'm not familiar with Charlaine Harris, but I'll check out her books. Thanks for commenting - let me know if you find any glaring errors or plot glitches. Thanks again! ')

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Loved this book. The fantasy is appealing, but the humor just takes it to a whole different level. This is the kind of book that I look for in libraries & book stores but seldom find. I would very much like to read more about Arissa and Finn.

1 Comment

Thank you so much - wow! I have a few more chapters to add, but I've been dragging my feet since I didn't think this would appeal to a lot of readers. You've just given me the boost I needed to complete the story. I'm so grateful that you took the time to read and comment on it... Show more

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Will there be another book? Would love to read more

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Thank you so much! I have a little more to add to this one, but hadn't thought about a follow-up. However, in the same vein (no pun intended), are two other books I have posted here - "Scratch That" and "Bite Me."

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I love this book when you write a seco. I love this book when you write a new book to this one please let me know

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Thank you so much! I haven't completely finished this one yet, but will be soon. A sequel wasn't something I had considered, but maybe once this is done, I'll rethink that idea - again, thank you! ')

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I loved this book; it was very funny and I don't think I've read a book on here like it. I really hope you make it a series and attempt to get it published because its wonderful.

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Thank you so much! I had a blast writing it; in fact, I'm working on additional chapters, since I wasn't satisfied with where it ended. I'll let you know when they're posted, if you like.

As for a series, I hadn't considered that, but I'll give it some thought. Thanks again for... Show more

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