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Thank you, I love fouseyTube. I been a fan of him foreverrrr!

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:D yeah I get that a lot, like I start something then don't finish it, and then start something new again (;^.^)

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bla bla, that's what I used to say, until I started imagining my perfect guy in a book, you'll see, if that doesn't get you started on writing, well then you are just very odd *3*

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You really don't have to, and I'm still waiting for your books to come out!! :D

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Thankyou:D! Word might have somthing to do with the grammer ,hahaXD You should do a short story or somthing:) You'll be great at writing cuz you read lots:P :)

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Your welcome:) The morganville vampire series are just... awesome! I like the fallen series although i've only read the first one up to now. You don't have to read my book if you don't want too, Its an old one ^.^ I only put it on there because my profile looked lonely...:3 Btw I like your profile. From Katie x

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