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Ello! :]

Sooo, I just thought I'd drop by and let you know that I've updated "Less than Perfect"! I'm terribly sorry about the long wait! I had uploading issues for the longest time, and I've been busy. Still, I apologize. I never meant for it to take so long. :\

Hope you enjoy the rest of the story, though! And thank you so much for your lovely support! I can't say that enough. :]


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Hello there! Thank you so much for the heart on my story "Less than Perfect"! It really means a lot! :]

PS. Thank you for the comment, and I just wanted to also let you know that I updated! Feel free to check it out when you have the time! Hope you enjoy! And thanks again! :]


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i love your book.. it's so interesting! i cant wait til it's finished! do you think i would have a chance at writing a book?

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Yor awesome keep up the good work i cant wait for your book to be finished you can count onme to read it

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Oh my god!im tryin so hard to bite my tounge! :O but im guna cuz i dnt wana ruin it on ya!

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got it in 1 kid! Dean always has somthin tailin him, n hes nver really safe around her, wat do u think of this series so far? i think its quite funny n freaky n everythin bout Supernatural but i think ther draggin it out a bit, wat do u think?

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well, Sam has a better body n Dean has the better face, also Sams taller, but u still havnt got 2 terms wit Lisas n Deans relationship, y is it they cnt b together/??...cmon its an easy 1! (¬:E

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i not bein mean, trust me if i told u the big plot it would COMPLETLY ruin the entire seris! Cas was in a lot wit the Angel vs Devil fight cuz he was uno an Angel, but he will show up more throught the seris. also wit Deans n Lisas relationship troubles, ur missin the BIG picture here!

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