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Hi, hope your year started off great. You have very kindly shown an interest in my three novels and given them some great reviews. One of them Slave for a Week is now on Amazon. I don't want you to buy it obviously since you have already read it, but wondered if you would be good enough to give it a review. I would really appreciate it. Could you also spread the word that it is on Amazon as well. It is under Marnie Perry on... Show more

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Authorbea, you have previously asked if I have written any more books so I thought you might like to know I have posted another book on the site which is an historical novel called Mistress of Tredegar. Thanks very much for your interest. Marnie.

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Authorbea, thank you for your message. I am on the last chapter of a book called Mistress of Tredegar. It is an historical novel set in 9th century Cornwall. I will be posting it on this site hopefully next week. I hope you will give it a try. Have your read Slave for a Week my third novel?
Thanks ever so much for your interest and have a great week.

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Hi, how are you? well I hope. I wanted to let you know that my books The Devil To Pay, The Devil You Know and Slave For A Week are all on Smashwords and doing quite well. I've had some great reviews, just wish a publisher would read some of them. I wonder if you would be kind enough to tell your friends about them and where to find them. They can download them for free. Thanks so much and take care. Marnie.

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I appreciate you saving my poem sorry it took so long for me to notice. Serena

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